Metaverse, an opportunity for companies

May 22, 2024 | AI, Digital Transformation, Sourcing

The metaverse is a disruptive technology that has the potential to transform many industries. Companies that are properly prepared can leverage this technology to enhance their businesses and create new growth opportunities

The metaverse is a new technology that is revolutionizing the way we interact with the digital world. It is a virtual space where people can connect, work, play and interact in new and innovative ways.  

The metaverse is still in its early stages of development, but it is already having a significant impact on many industries. Companies that adapt to this new technology have the opportunity to gain a significant competitive advantage. 

Gartner predicts that by 2026, 25% of people will spend at least 1 hour a day in the metaverse working, shopping, educating themselves, interacting on social networks and entertaining themselves. This growth is due to a number of factors, such as the increasing adoption of virtual and augmented reality, the growing popularity of online gaming and entertainment, and the increasing need for collaboration and remote work


The benefits of the metaverse for businesses 

The metaverse has the potential to benefit businesses in many different ways. Some of the most common ways companies are using the metaverse include: 

  • Improving customer experience: The metaverse can help companies create more engaging and interactive customer experiences. For example, companies can use the metaverse to create virtual stores, offer virtual product trials, and allow customers to interact with products in a more realistic way. 
  • Improve collaboration and productivity: The metaverse can help companies improve collaboration and productivity among employees. For example, companies can use the metaverse to create virtual spaces for meetings, conferences and teamwork. 
  • Create new sales and marketing opportunities: The metaverse can help companies create new sales and marketing opportunities. For example, companies can use the metaverse to organize virtual events, launch new products and services, and create immersive marketing experiences. 
  • Improve efficiency and productivity: The metaverse can help companies improve the efficiency and productivity of their operations. For example, companies can use the metaverse to run simulations, train employees and perform remote equipment maintenance. 

Metaverse Use Cases for Businesses 

There are many potential use cases for the metaverse for businesses. Some examples include: 

  • Sales and marketing: companies can use the metaverse to create more immersive and interactive shopping experiences. For example, companies can create virtual stores where customers can explore products and services interactively. 
  • Education and training: Companies can use the metaverse to create more engaging and immersive learning experiences. For example, companies can create simulations where employees can learn new skills without risk. 
  • Entertainment and recreation: Companies can use the metaverse to create new forms of entertainment and recreation for their customers. For example, companies can create virtual theme parks or massively multiplayer games. 
  • Customer service: Companies can use the metaverse to create new ways to interact with their customers. For example, companies can create virtual spaces where customers can solve problems or obtain information. 

Seven examples of companies and brands that have already embraced the metaverse. 

The article highlights seven examples of companies and brands that have already embraced the metaverse. These companies include: 

  • Nike: Nike has created a virtual store on Roblox where users can purchase virtual apparel and accessories. 
  • Gucci: Gucci has created a virtual space in Roblox where users can browse a store and purchase clothing and accessories. 
  • Mercedes-Benz: Mercedes-Benz has created a virtual space in Decentraland where users can test drive cars virtually. 
  • The Coca-Cola Company: The Coca-Cola Company has created a virtual space in Decentraland where users can play games and win prizes. 
  • Warner Bros: Warner Bros. has created a virtual space in The Sandbox where users can explore scenarios from popular movies and series. 
  • Disney: Disney has created a virtual space in Roblox where users can explore attractions and games from its theme parks. 

These are just a few examples of the many potential business use cases for the metaverse. As this technology continues to develop, we are likely to see even more innovation and creativity in the use of the metaverse to enhance customer experiences, collaboration and productivity. 

How to prepare for the metaverse 

The metaverse is a disruptive technology that has the potential to transform many industries. In order for companies to take advantage of the metaverse, it is important that they prepare adequately. 

  • Research and understand the metaverse. The first step in preparing for the metaverse is to research and understand this technology. Companies should learn about the different types of metaverse, the technologies that support it, and the potential use cases. This will help them understand how the metaverse can benefit their own businesses. 
  • Develop a metaverse strategy. Once companies understand the metaverse, they should develop a strategy to leverage it. This strategy should define the company’s goals in the metaverse, the resources needed to achieve them, and the steps that must be taken to implement the strategy. 
  • Invest in technology and resources. The metaverse requires significant investment in technology and resources. Companies must invest in hardware, software, and technology and human resource development to support their metaverse strategy. 
  • Work with partners and suppliers. Companies can work with partners and suppliers to gain metaverse experience and expertise. This can be especially helpful for companies that are just beginning to explore the metaverse. 

In addition to the above recommendations, there are some additional details that companies can consider when preparing for the metaverse: 

  • Consider customer needs: Companies should consider how the metaverse can enhance the customer experience. This may include things like creating new ways to interact with customers, offering new products and services, or improving customer service. 
  • Assess the risks: The metaverse also presents some risks, such as cybersecurity and privacy. Companies must assess these risks and take steps to mitigate them. 
  • Be flexible and adaptable: The metaverse is a new and developing technology. Companies must be flexible and adaptable in order to adapt to changes that may occur in the future. 

The metaverse is an exciting opportunity for companies. By preparing properly, companies can leverage this technology to enhance their business and create new growth opportunities. 


The metaverse is a disruptive technology that has the potential to transform the way companies operate and engage with their customers. Companies that want to benefit from this new technology should start researching and preparing now. 

IT Experts Consulting can help you understand how the metaverse can benefit your company and develop a strategy to take advantage of this technology. 


Exciting Metaverse Business Use Cases for 2023 (

Gartner Predicts 25% of People Will Spend At Least One Hour Per Day in the Metaverse by 2026

The Metaverse is the future of digital connections | Meta

Seven examples of companies and brands that have already embraced the metaverse (

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