Case Study: Sourcing Communications Providers

Mar 11, 2024 | Sourcing Story

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A retail and finance company in Peru was looking to consolidate telecommunications services to fuel its growth. The project included the optimization of requirements and the selection of a supplier. The result: a single contract with better services, lower cost and flexibility, reducing annual costs by 35%.

Business Needs

A leading retail and finance company in Peru sought to improve its telecommunications services by consolidating multiple providers and services nationwide to support its business growth.


The project involved:

 Recopilación de datos para comprender las necesidades específicas.

  1. Data collection to understand specific needs.
  2. Optimization of existing business requirements.
  3. Comprehensive evaluation and selection of a suitable telecommunications provider.



The result was consolidation into a single contract that offered improved service levels, reduced costs and greater flexibility. This resulted in a significant 35% decrease in annual costs, providing the company with a more efficient and cost-effective communications infrastructure.


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